Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Facebook

no more facebook!!!....friends, i've deactivate my facebook account...i don't see any beneficial on my facebook, unless peps keep on busy writing on the wall, telling the whole world about their interest..fine with me..it's up to them to write and everyone has right to express their feelings, in their comfort way...but i don't have passion on facebook anymore...so sorry facebook!!i mean no harm...i just can't have one..not suitable for me...tak sejiwa..no chemistry...huahahaha...peace no wars!!


AvatarCun said...

uit uit.. dh delete ke akaun FB tuh?
ku terasa-rasa gak nak mendelete... taaapiiii nanti takdek plak FarmVille and CafeWorld... tgh dok pikir gak nih

lea.karim said...

dah..delete jek..takdek pekdah pung...hehehe..tp buleh jek kalo nak activate balik..but kena create new profile, info..game kena restart balik kot...vote for delete!delete!delete!

leenda said...

oooo.... patut lah kita cari nama dia dah xde..ruper2nye dia dah hibernate herself from fesbuk... :(
anyway, welcome to blogging lak ekk..
cam best jer ber-blog tp kita xpandai ber-kata2... huhuhu..
keep it up n cheeers!